Tags are a flexible tool for segmenting and managing your data within BuddyCRM, both at Company and Contact level. There will be occasions where there is a requirement within your business to upload tags against companies and contacts in bulk ‘en masse’, fortunately with a few easy steps this is quick and easy within BuddyCRM.
Our main work will be within ‘Administrator > Data Management’, in the ‘Import CSV’ area of the BuddyCRM system. From here, you will want to select the ‘Upload Tag CSV’ option from the menu.
There are two options for uploading tags: Tags For Records is used to insert tags onto lead or account at a company level, or Tags For Contacts is used to insert tags into contacts individually. You will need to choose operationally what works best for your intended purpose.
Tags For Records – prepare your data
You will need to create a UTF-8 CSV, with the following two columns:
RecordID | Content of Tag |
You can obtain the RecordID by going into an account or lead, and looking at the URL bar in your browser.
Example for a lead: https://login.buddycrm.com/default.htm#lead/234 = RecordID is Lead234
Example for an account: https://login.buddycrm.com/default.htm#account/2470 = RecordID is Acc2470
***Tip: You can use the field ‘AccountNum’ within the Reports area to get the RecordIDs for lots of records quickly.
Multiple tags
You can add multiple tags to one record, simply add a second row with the same RecordID and the second tag entered. The system will pick this up and add as a second tag to the record e.g:
RecordID | Content of Tag |
Acc05 | SME |
Acc05 | Charity |
Both SME and Charity will get added as separate tags to the record Acc05 in the above example.
Tags For Contacts – Prepare Your Data
With Tags For Contacts, there are actually two different options available to use: ‘Save against Email Address’ or ‘Save Against Contact ID’.
When using Save Against Email Address, your spreadsheet should have the following two columns:
EmailAddress | Content of Tag |
EmailAddress | Content of Tag |
jamie.duddy@buddycrm.com | DecisionMaker |
Office@HRHHotel.com | Administrator |
MD@HRHhotel.com | DecisionMaker |
The system will insert the tag against a contact matching this email address.
When using ‘Save Against Contact ID’, you will need to first find the ContactID for each contact. From the account screen when you click on the name of a contact, the number shown in brackets after their name on the pop out is the ContactID, e.g:
In this example, 7397 is the ContactID.
***Tip: You can use the field ContactNum in Reports to find the ContactID for lots of records at once.
With Save Against Contact ID, your CSV format will be:
ContactID | Content of Tag |
ContactID | Content of Tag |
676 | Marketing |
45 | DecisionMaker |
As earlier, you can upload multiple tags per contact – simply place multiple lines with the same Email Address or ContactID one for each tag.
Upload your File
Once you have got a UTF-8 CSV file with the right content in, simply select ‘choose file’ from the upload screen, select your file and then ‘upload’ to complete!
If you have any issues or queries, please don’t hesitate to contact the support team on support@buddycrm.com